My Recipes

Rich Access to Foods Yet Poor Digestion (how to improve it)

Dear Western Civilization, you have been lied to countless times and we are here to set it straight once and for all.

Now if you know me, you know I will hop on my non toxic soap box about picking real produce over low fat, crackers, but today I am not here to do that.

So, recent discoveries tell us that most of our cultures issues lie in our digestive track, stomach lining, and bioavailability. However, commercials will criminalize and eliminate a compound and claim it to be a cure all.

Healthy digestion is less about the demonization of fats, sugar, carbs, sodium, or whatever it may be at the moment, and more about the small unnoticed minerals, vitamins, and bacterial entities that you consume.

Weight Loss Should be a Bi-Product of the Healthy Choices You are Already Making


If you are reading this post frustrated that I’m not telling you how to watch the pounds fall off in 30 days with 1 simple trick, you’re in the right place.

Focusing on HEALING the body and the weight loss that is necessary to your physiology will follow suit.

Here is my #1 tip to improving and troubleshooting your digestion.


Diversity. Yep, bring variety into your meals and offer your body the tools to do the necessary daily functions it is denied with improper nutrition.

My favorite example I give is why I make buddha bowls.

So in this meal, I have vitamins, minerals, and healthy bacteria coming from lentil pasta, chickpeas, quinoa, sauerkraut, tofu, greens, and a homemade sauce.

This type of diversity will enable your body to reinforce its functionality and create defense systems towards a healthier immune system, easier digestion, and further optimizing your long term health.

Now say I just ate the pasta, if that becomes a daily habit, my systems are only primed for those limited compounds and can create unhealthy immune responses to new substances.

Eating “healthy” doesn’t mean restriction, it is about productive incorporation.

So yes, eat your greens, but eat everything else too.

Invest in Yourself Now or Pay for it Later
