
They Lied about “Self Love” Feel Better Tactics and I am going after them

I am currently sitting on my kitchen floor typing this out of the rigorous compassion and fire I feel for allowing women to tap into intuitive potential. How to quit ignoring marketing schemes into how and why we should feel good. SO here we go.

Self Care, what is it really.

Is it the ever so sparse face mask you allow yourself once a month to feel pampered, or giving yourself 5 moments alone with your cup of coffee each morning.

Ladies, getting your nails done, a new hair style, or a new outfit are all great ways to treat yourself for the amazing work you’re doing, but it is not a replacement for the negativity you put yourself through daily.

Physical changes are a quick fix to be excited for something new, but we all know deep down that the new diet you just dove into isn’t sustainable.

You all catch my drift.

Now since I told you my stance on what self care isn’t, let me explain what it can become for you.

Self care and love is hard, it isn’t always lash extensions and a new bag. It is a positive mantra on your mirror making you personally call yourself out on the things you loath about your body.

It is about DECIDING to choose forgiveness and joy in tough moments.

It is about making the hard long term changes for a better, healthier life.

It is about making yourself a better person to be around and to interact with.

Love your body because you were created for it and it for you. Praise it’s abilities and strengths, because there are people who would kill to be able to move at all.


Self care is about the small moments with yourself. It is okay to bask in a “you” night of your new charcoal mask and a glass of wine in a bubble bath (ooo that sounds good).

Self care is also the reoccurring tough moments ahead of each day, and it is only real love when you CHOOSE positivity, gratefulness, and gentleness.

Show yourself the kind of gracious attitude you would offer a friend or family member.

Spew your blessings the same way you rant about your problems.

Throw kindness around like confetti.


Thank you so much for reading.