
You Might be an Entrepreneur if…

To be totally honest here, I grew up thinking I was pretty dumb. I was never in smart people math, I nearly failed chemistry class, I couldn’t bring myself to pay attention in class, and I always seemed stumped by simple assignments.

I am pretty sure it was a combination of my brain wanting to put my energy somewhere else, and the fact that I felt like I wasn’t fighting for anything. I was not a student trying to make it into a prestigious college program or working towards a corner office degree.

I was listening to a podcast and the guy speaking said, if the thought of working in a formal setting for another person eats away at your soul, AND it is not because of a personal lack of work ethic, you might be an entrepreneur.

College is not for everyone, business ownership is not for everyone, trade skills are not for everyone. That being said, those who have the personality and skill set to run a business and be self employed take far too long to realize that they aren’t useless to society without that degree. I want to be a living testament that it is possible.

In 1 month, our household went from hourly corporate work to full time business owners. The longer we work for ourselves the more we see how possible it is to grow and evolve. You don’t need to ask for a raise, you need to initiate the upgrades in order to earn higher value.

There are an ENDLESS amount of open markets out there waiting to be perfected and monetized. If reading or listening to content like this stresses you out because of the uncertainty of income, sparse work, and late hours, don’t torture yourself. If all those things set your soul on fire with a “watch me” attitude behind it. I’m afraid you may be a self starter.

Find your niche of expertise. Perfect it. Educate yourself. Begin before you’re ready. Make connections. Use your own money. Start now.

If you want to see the small company that my husband and I started this year, here is the direct link to our Mobile Coffee Shop