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3 Ways I Have Stayed Sane Through Quarantine


Okay, I am an out and about kind of person all the way. I love spending hours at coffee shops and being social every chance I get.

There are 3 key things that have kept my body and mind sane during the stay at home order.

#1) Keeping My House Clean

Seriously I cannot get any work done or focus unless certain parts of our house is sparkling.

For me, the main floor rooms (kitchen, dining, living rooms) are all must haves for clean spaces, when I come downstairs in the morning and just want to start my pourover, I don’t want to clean for an hour first.

It took me a while to get into a healthy habit and mindset around the messy house, but I can’t blame anyone, we are at home all day everyday, 3 meals, getting dressed, running a small business, these are all VERY messy activities.

So, try and keep neat and tidy spaces to help further the mental ease of this whole situation.

#2 Creating Projects with Deadlines

Whether it’s a home renovation or just journaling for 10 mins each day. Set time sensitive goals.

With all this time off, it is easy to lose sense of purpose.

When I wake up each day and know there is something positive and productive awaiting the end of my morning coffee, approaching each new day head on becomes much easier.


Create a to do list, or pick one room in the house to totally redo, clean, and conquer by the end of the day.

Visual lists are the only way I can get ANYTHING done for real.

#3 Don’t Fall off the Nutrition Wagon

Has anyone else kinda been like “well, since I have nowhere to go, might as well let myself go and eat everything in sight,


The last 2 weeks I have just been home, craving, and eating junk. So what happened, all last week my energy plummeted through the floor, hence my productivity did as well, and so did my sense of purpose.

Healthy habits are all so connected in making our lives positive and vibrant.

Use this time to instill discipline in yourself surrounding good and bad habits. Use this time to grow, emerge from this anew and rejuvenated.

Stay safe, stay well, stay sane
