
Take the Risk or Lose the Chance

We recently got the amazing chance to sit down for a live speech/Q&A with a local program used to empower and encourage new entrepreneurs. As we were putting together this piece, we kept emphasizing that the #1 thing holding people back is just simply beginning. We spoke about the amazing skills you learn and the savy tricks you acquire by launching the baby steps of your dream.

You will NEVER have your ideal amount of overhead capital, your kids will never be the right age, you will never feel knowledgable enough. You will ALWAYS have imposter syndrome (well they are already doing a great job so there’s no room for me), your vision will never be complete etc… You just need to begin, your plan will evolve and morph into what God intends it to be.

We started our mobile shop in the year of uncertainty, in an area with lots of little shops and cafes. We found our niche audience, we found the products that work, and we ran (or drove). Do your research, network, build, and do, don’t spend time dreaming unless you plan to put it on your calendar.

I want to keep this one extra short so that you can read it over and over until it is engrained in your brains. Trust God, and do your part.
