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Girl I know you are overwhelmed…let me help

  If you clicked on this because you woke up late, you have heaps of tasks to complete, you have limited motivation, you are crazy overwhelmed, and you have NO clue where to start, welcome to the flippin club ya’ll.  I emerged from the comforts of my bed this morning very late and very drained, so let’s do this together.

The first thing you need to do is wipe the guilt out of your mind for not getting up early like you should and grinding away the morning like usual.  That frustration with yourself will only continue holding you back from doing ANYTHING in your day.  

“Do not let the frustration of something you cannot control, change the positive outcome of new decisions you could be making”


             Okay now go make coffee and get a BIG glass of water, while your coffee is brewing, drink that water and write down 3-4 important goals for your day.  What are your top 3 musts for today and then write a bonus goal #4.  If you crank it out and absolutely slay your first 3 goals what is one more thing you can do.  

             For today, mine are #1 to get the house all clean and back in order after vacation.  #2 to get this blog post out with links directing to it from all my social media platforms.  #3 to get my heart rate up and workout.  I didn’t go to my workout classes today and now of course I’m crabby about it, but instead of moping on the couch hating myself like I want to do, I am going to set something up in my own house to make up for it.  

             #4 my bonus goal.  If I can do all those and still have some valuable time left to be productive, I want to continue educating myself in the world of online business, affiliate marketing, and growing online platforms.  Who knows, maybe I’ll knock that one out while I am cleaning by listening to educational podcasts.

              OH! a note about writing goals, if you really need to fold laundry but you are really in the mood to organize your kitchen instead, always go with the kitchen.  You will get way way wayyyyyyy more accomplished if you stick your efforts into the passion of that moment then forcing yourself to focus all the energy on something you simply aren’t in the head space to do.

 Okay we have all our goals written down your coffee is ready your water is gone, and it is about time to make something from this day.  You need to forgive yourself for not being perfect and understand that recharging with extended rest is sometimes not up to you.  Your body needed it and that is okay because a month from now I am sure you will be crushing your goals without wallowing about the one day in January you slept in.  

              Put some good music on, set timers if you need to give yourself limited amounts of time for each task, and have fun checking off your list.  I will be continuing to clean and exercise if ya’ll need me.  You got this.

​~ Annalisa