
What’s Next (Winter off and Prepping for Antler 2021)

So what’s next, we just spent about 9 months building and running Antler. Now, with the winter season approaching, it is time to winterize the shop and do what we do best, take on big projects.

If you have been to Antler for a coffee, you most likely see the 19ft white cargo van next to it. Building out Greg (the van) is one endeavor we are looking forward to. You all know we love to travel and this will make it easier to save money and be off grid.

We want to spend this winter/early spring making improvements to the coffee camper, better exterior branding and (fixing everything that’s broken that we hide from you all lol). We already have so many ideas to make next year better and need the time off to set them all in place in the best way possible.

We are so excited to come back next year and actually sort of know what we are doing.

During our time off we want to be progressive in perfecting our craft. We plan on visiting lots of cafes, adding things to the menu (hint hint) and further learning how to pair flavors and pull perfect shots. Antler wants to be the best part of your day so we will work this winter to improve our processes and bring new and exciting things to the northwoods.

Last year we fell in love with cross country skiing. We already have our passes for the local ski hill. We are forcasted for a warmer winter (which just means not -25 all of january) and also means LOTS of snow. Warm powder all year should give us an awesome outdoor season!

Living in a seasonal place has its challenges (which you will get to hear all about in the coming months) but it also allows change of pace, newness, and the opportunity to really hone in and niche yourself into near perfection.
